Saturday, May 15, 2010

Flashing beats and thumping lights

Went to see Mortal Engine at the Sydney Theatre Company on Thursday night (thanks for the recommendation Jimmy). An incredible show by Chunky Move, a Melbourne-based dance company who use awsomely futuristic laser technology in their lighting design, which is a little beyond me but involves algorithms and frequencies and other clever things.

The sound design is matched to the light and movement seamlessly and the performance really floods all your senses. When the dancers turn into a writhing mass of black creepy crawlies I could feel the dark light seeping under my skin, and the electric snapping and sizzling later on singed my nose hair. Each sequence was completely hypnotic, especially the couple trapped against the wall with TV static, and I couldn't get enough of the green cloud tunnels at the end - who knew you could make a universe with a smoke machine and a fancy laser beam?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Costume design

A little while ago we had a series of classes over at NIDA with Julie Lynch. We designed a series of costumes for the play The Happy Prince. As this was a theatrical production some of the costumes had to be designed to allow for a transformation; the Prince and the Swallow have to be bright and healthy and vivacious in the beginning and by the end of the play they have lost all their colour and vigour.
I changed my style of illustration part way through the process (at Julie's suggestion) and overall I'm happy with the results. If I have time I'll go back and re-do the Reed and the Child.